
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Writing Notebooks #01

Working through the notebooks, period by period, 3x5=15 a day.  Fifty points available for full pages of writing.  I expect the first two days to be a little light, but hope to see better, fuller responses as the days progress. 

Our goal is to fill pages and increase fluency.  Quality is not the goal-->it's pure quantity.  I'm looking for you to get down somewhere around 250-375 words in the ten minutes alloted for this practice.  I am grading through the first 10 prompts, and looking for a short reflection on the syllabus review activity we did in class.  That reflection is worth 10 points. 

This first look is generous, meaning I'm giving points for pages, not word counts, and making only light comments. Topics are:
  1. Up All Night
  2. Brothers and Sisters
  3. Making a Difference
  4. Rebellion
  5. Describe the World you Come From
  6. "I Grew Up" (one visual detail)
  7. An Important Teacher (outside of school)
  8. Choice between 3:  
    1. If a million people do a foolish thing, it is still foolish.  What do you disagree with most people on?
    2. "Hell is other people." Jean-Paul Sartre "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." Barbara Streisand  Who do you identify with and why?
    3. Here's an invention we could have done without.
  9. Three Virtues I Admire or Respect
  10. Five Things I Know for Sure
Beyond these prompts, I am looking for the syllabus reflection.

Also, I object vigorously to sharing notebook pages with any other subject.  Use the spiral notebook for ERW class only, please. 

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